HORIZON patent article

Bambooder Biobased Fiber (BBF) has developed a patented technology to mechanically obtain "long" bamboo fibers and process them into a wire. These wires are then manufactured into a mat, which can be used as a raw material for lightweight and fiber-reinforced bio-based composite applications.
The technology is innovative because no environmentally harmful process is required, and it does not affect the favourable mechanical properties of the fibers. Thanks to an investment from the TMI Proof of Concept Fund Flevoland, which is managed by Horizon, the regional development company of Flevoland The Netherlands, BBF can have a proof of concept machine built with which production on a larger scale can be realized.
Bamboo has the same strength as steel and has the stiffness and weight of aluminum. The use of bamboo in construction material of, for example, trains, buses, subways and cars can greatly reduce energy consumption. The bamboo fibers from BBF are 100% renewable and is the alternative to mineral / fossil raw materials. This innovation can be applied in various sectors such as transport, sports, construction and design.
Proof of concept machine
The proof of concept machine is currently being built in Flevoland and will be ready for production in the second quarter of 2020. With the arrival of this machine, the number of BBF employees is expected to grow from four to eight to twelve employees within a few years.
Marc Bokeloh, initiator of Bambooder Biobased Fiber: "With the support of Horizon, it will be possible to take a major step forward, in technical development and successful upscaling of this emergent technology."
Ger de Bruin, investment manager of Horizon: "Horizon is proud that we can help an innovative company like BBF with financing from the TMI Proof of Concept Fund Flevoland to realize their growth ambitions. BBF is an asset to Flevoland and an example for other innovative companies in the region. "
TMI Proof of Concept Fund Flevoland
The TMI Proof of Concept Fund Flevoland (POC Fund) is managed by Horizon and provides financing to innovative SMEs, with growth ambitions, who wish to invest in the development of new products or services and are in the so-called proof-of-concept phase . € 13.3 million has been made available for this through a program from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union, the province of Flevoland and the national government.
For more information about the fund: www.pocfondsflevoland.nl