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We are..

Disruptive startup/grownup in high-performance composite market. Our team is developing biobased alternatives for traditional fossil fuel produced composites.

In transportation, sports, energy, design, building & construction sector.


Office Team

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Marc Bokeloh


Dr.Ir.Ing. Almer van der Stoel


R&D Manager

Johan Kocks

Business Developer

Pim Niesink

For investors

Sustainable raw and advanced materials are key enablers for a successful industrial (vehicle) transition. The dramatic shift towards mass-markets has been triggered by the need for reducing worldwide CO2 emissions and improving air quality. This development generates a growing demand for lightweight functional and structural materials. These materials contribute significantly to the overall ecological footprint and the global supply chain dependencies that OEMs will have to cope with. The growing public demand for a rapid transition to a zero-carbon economy does positively influence the growth of Bambooder. We create innovative bamboo fibres, that are lightweight and eco-friendly. The raw materials have a low risk of becoming critical, due to the favourable properties of bamboo, such as fast-growing and worldwide availability. Furthermore, because of the strong material properties, the fibers are competitive to glass fiber, steel, aluminium, carbon, and are beneficial in various markets. Nowadays, we are focusing on 2 specific markets; sports and transportation, to ensure that our company will efficiently grow and is cost-effective. However, with over 900 global companies representing more than $17.6 trillion in market cap the ’We Mean Business Take Action’ campaign, is a trending topic in today’s worldwide economy. Therefore, we see many future opportunities, for expanding our activities in other markets.



Goals and Impact


Bambooder lightweight RawMaterials will generate a major impact on (European and Global) industrial competitiveness and innovation capacity as well as empowering entrepreneurs and education partners plus students driving towards a circular economy. This will result in the introduction of innovative and sustainable products, processes and services, as well as talented people that will deliver increased economic, environmental and social sustainability to the European society. 


To grow and speed up the Bambooder business we are looking for investors.

Please contact

Collaboration partners

For the development of our products production lines is a multidisciplined team is needed. Our partners vary from mechanical and chemical engineers for the validation of the products and processes. Our main partners are TU Delft, KU Leuven, ITA RWTH Aachen and Luxembourg Institute for Science and Technology.




Bambooder has developed a patented technology to mechanically extract “long” bamboo fibers and process them into a yarn. The yarn can then be processed into a technical textile or a UD-tape for lightweight fiber-reinforced composite application.


The technology is innovative because no environmentally harmful process is required, and it does not affect the favourable mechanical properties of the fibres...


...for more information click here

Challenges, grands & publicity

In the last years, Bambooder has won a lot of challenges & competitions. Together with national and European received grands, this has enabled Bambooders Raw Material development.



Bambooder Biobased Fibers B.V.

Archangelkade 7

1013 BE Amsterdam

The Netherlands


+31 6 29 252 113


KVK 64109739

Bank IBAN: NL31 INGB 0007 0495 19

BTW nr.NL855526063B01

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